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This is learning to be more like you use to be. If you want a life where you are able to do things you use to do, this is the way to go.
Using the Neuro-IFRAH therapy was the best thing that happened to me following my brain injury from a stroke.
My husband went from not moving his left side, to eventually walking on his own, eating, and dressing himself.
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“In my opinion, why would anyone do it any other way, I mean if you’re not going to do it this way why even bother to rehabilitate in the first place. You’re going to spend time doing it one way or another. A lot of information I have gotten from (Neuro-IFRAH Certificed PT) is that this is kind of a new way of doing things. In the old days, it was more of just teach you to keep using your strong side to compensate and then you never learn to do it how you use to do it. This is learning to be more like you use to be. If you want a life where you are able to do things you use to do, this is the way to go. Do you want to return to the life you use to have or do you want to return to a handicap. Being handicap is going to hold you back form your goals and dreams and all of the things you use to do. People need to know yeah it takes hard work, but it takes hard work to go the other way too."
-Will 2023
“Using the Neuro-IFRAH therapy was the best thing that happened to me following my brain injury from a stroke. My affected stroke side had improved in the first week of therapy with Ariel. I attribute my accelerated improvement due to this type of therapy I received. I saw daily improvement working with Ariel which not only increased my physical, but also my mental well-being. In two weeks I went from total nursing dependence to being able to stand and walk with a walker. Before this I was unable to get out of bed, go to the bathroom, or dress myself. Ariel is continuing to treat me at home and I can now dress, bathe, go the bathroom and feed myself unassisted. I get around the house with minimal walker assistance. Unassisted, I can stand and walk short distances. Ariel continues to treat my affected stroke side hand and I see noticeable movement in my fingers and hand. "
-David 2023
" I had a pontine stroke in Aug 2022. Ariel was one of two therapists that I met with daily for two weeks. My goal was to walk out of that place and with their massive patience with this stubborn old guy it worked. It was with a walker but considering that the day before I met Ariel I couldn't move anything beneath my eyes, not bad. Ariel and I kept in touch over the year and I opted for more refinement. My grandkid in the summer made note that "gramps, why do you walk funny". Considering he's 4 and noticed I figured it was time to get some more help. After two visits Ariel had worked on my lower leg and knee and after a year I actually walked "normal". I felt like pre-stroke and declared her a genius. It didn't last much more than a day but I had gotten into some bad habits in that year. After the next visit she gave me some tools to work on between visits in addition to working that leg and ankle again. This time I'm over a day in and feel mostly normal, or at least can recognize when I digress into my bad habits. I'm also a drummer and had some serious problems working the bass pedal. She also came up with a solution that I'll be trying at our next gig. I look forward to continued visits to get this right leg stronger and stabler. "
-Chris 2023
"Two months ago, my husband experienced a massive stroke on the right side of his brain. He spent two months in the hospital and rehabilitation center. Mike went from being intubated and then to a feeding tube for three weeks. He went from not moving his left side, to eventually walking on his own, eating, and dressing himself. A miraculous recovery to this point in two months. His tremendous progress was due to his will to live and improve, work hard and to the tremendous therapy he received and continues to receive with Ariel. We would tell other patients about Ariel because we firmly know her dedication and care of her patients has been commendable. Her always cheerful, positive and honest attitude brings tremendous comfort and encouragement. Ariel cares for each patient as an individual, addressing each patient with their own concerns and needs to improve daily life for themselves. We highly recommend Ariel."
-Gwen 2023
Skyler Adelson
"My husband, suffering a stroke after double by-pass surgery. His left side was unusable. He was unable to walk or use his left arm and hand. We did not know how he would regain use of his left side. We were thrilled when Ariel, O.T. was assigned to his care as she jumped right in and started working what I call her amazing, individualized treatment for my husband. She tailored his rehabilitation to specifically what he needed in getting his hand working again. She is kind, positive and recognizes when a patient needs a “extra” push to achieve their goals. He has regained movement in his left hand and continues to improve every day. The personalized exercises help to strengthen and give him the flexibility to regain use of his hand. David went from needing assistance to use the bathroom, showering, and dressing himself to being self-sufficient in these areas. We look forward to him regaining full use of his hand! Personalized treatment tailored to the patient’s specific needs and goals."
-Marie 2023
Skyler Adelson
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